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Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website whatsapp us at or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!
00:00 - Why do people value certain mitzvos more than others?
03:55 - Some people say that they do not engage with the state since it was founded by anti-religious people. Could they not accept that we have precedent that things of lowly origin can be elevated, for example, Dovid HaMelech?
13:45 - Could it be that the Sanhedrin was disbanded by Hashem in order that Halacha not become too cumbersome?
19:05 - Are there some foods that are less treif than others?
23:25 - Could someone who believes in the truth of Judaism believe in the elements of truth within other religions?
31:10 - Could we re-institute the Sanhedrin?
36:15 - Is someone believed to say they are Jewish?
39:14 - Is it better to struggle to keep almost all of Shabbat or keep all of Shabbat with ease? Does it make a difference that the former individual is violating Shabbat in order to visit his family?
44:35 - What is the best thing for one to learn who only has a short amount of time each day?
46:55 - How can one support the idea that wicked ideologies have an element of truth if the wicked ideologies themselves didn’t practically have a positive impact?
50:30 - What is the process that determines whether decrees remain or are absolved?
53:33 - How did wearing a Kippah or davening Maariv become accepted by Klal Yisrael?
55:15 - Does someone get reward for doing good things without belief in G-d?
01:01:14 - What is the reward for someone who neglects just one of Rambam’s 13 principles of faith?
01:03:55 - How does it work to say a bracha for an ascent of someone’s neshama? (L’Ilui Nishmas)
01:07:05 - What is the isur to pasken against Shulchan Aruch?
01:13:55 - How can a bachur balance learning and chesed?
01:15:55 - It says in the Chovos Levavos that someone who believes in chance is treated as such. Why is this so? Would it also apply to belief in a cruel G-d?
01:19:30 - The Imahot and other women in Tanach are described as beautiful. How should we understand this?
01:23:15 - What is the religious significance of the state of the world right now?
01:26:06 - How can we educate other people’s children in shul?
01:27:40 - It says the soul of Tamar’s first husband was to come down to the children of the second marriage. Did this actually take place?
01:30:05 - Does someone get reward for doing mitzvos for honour or money?
01:31:55 - How can we depict Hashem as loving and yet also punishing and exacting? Furthermore, how could He ‘desire’ to eradicate the entire Jewish people after the Sin of the Golden Calf?
01:34:50 - How can Hashem be a giver if He is infinite?
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