Why is it so important to escort guests out after they visit?
When flying, always get to the airport gate early. But if you don’t, good things may still happen.
Why did Moses ask to see the land of Israel after G-d told him he could not enter it?
What does the Torah teach us about leadership?
We have to always look for mitzvah opportunities.
We have to always be aware of our surroundings.
The Jewish people are under attack. Don’t stay on the sidelines.
Why did the Jewish people have to take weapons along when they left Egypt?
With the entire world watching us now, every Jew is an ambassador.
A shout out to some important people.
What can we learn from Joseph’s dramatic revelation of his true identity to his brothers?
Ever notice what is so fascinating about Abraham’s household?
We have to ask the right questions during difficult times like now.
Two seemingly unconnected topics yield a valuable lesson when read together.
Why does Moses have to tell us twice that he spent 40 days and nights on the mountain without bread or water?
No matter what difficulty you are facing, G-d does not hate you.
Have you ever watched an entire movie without knowing the identity of the characters?
Moses delivers a beautiful parting message to his beloved older brother Aaron.